Winslow FAA/TSO (Part 91-121 / Part 135) Liferafts

WINSLOW™ has been rated #1 in every test conducted by The Aviation Consumer since 1994 when the brutally critical publication conducted the first ever exhaustive testing and review of aviation life rafts. Their conclusion, "The WINSLOW Liferaft is our first choice...by a large margin."

Technical Standard Order Guidlines for a TSO'd Liferaft

Call Randy at (202) 555-0884 for liferaft specifics and features.

Note: The first number on the Winslow liferafts indicates the normal placement of persons in the liferaft. The secondary number is the overload capacity. For instance, a 46 is a 4 person liferaft with a 6 person overload capacity.

When determining which liferaft is required for your aircraft, you should first determine how many seat-belted positions you have in your aircraft (latrine included). If you have 8 seat-belted positions, you must carry, at minimum, a 812 liferaft.

Listed below are two types of liferafts, the FASA and the FAUL. The FASA is more for warmer area fliers and the FAUL adds a heavy-duty tri-arch canopy support tube and a 12DF double insulated floor for added support and hypothermia protection for the colder water areas.

For ELT installation, Winslow Liferaft Company offers a tri-frequency (121.5, 243.0 406 MHz) ELT w/Voice that is mounted on the canopy suppot tube (see bottom of page). 



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