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Greatland Rescue Laser Flare (Red)

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Orig. Price: $129.00
Sale Price: $95.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: GLL001


Rescue Laser Flare

Rescue Laser Light Product Picture

The RLL012-01 Rescue Laser Light is a hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device that provides a convenient, effective way to signal a rescue party. It's waterproof, rugged design combines the safety of a laser signaling device with the convenience of a flashlight.

Unlike pyrotechnic flares, the Rescue Laser Light is non-flammable, environmentally safe, and can operate continuously for 40 hours on a single, long-life, replaceable lithium battery. Battery included on domestic orders.

This is the compact model preferred by pilots, military, hikers, kayakers, and other outdoor enthusiasts that want to minimize weight, and who perfer noy to carry hazardous pyrotechnics in their aircraft, car, or boat. 


Line up your target... While aiming, slowly move laser back and forth...
At 16 miles, you have a 6000 ft. fan of light to hit your target...   
 Note: this fan of light will not be visible. The target will see a flash only when the fan crosses their line of vision.



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